Graduate into the Real World


Whew! We made it through Thanksgiving. How did you do? I hope you enjoyed the seasonal treats (in moderation) and skipped the high calories foods that weren’t special enough for you to eat. Keep up the good work as we continue the holiday marathon. Enjoying Holiday Parties (Without the Guilt) The next challenge for many […]

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Or does it? The answer is: sometimes. I was clothes-shopping with a friend this past weekend and, once again, we were struck by how wildly womens’ clothing sizes vary. One brand’s medium is nothing like another brand’s. Same goes for actual number sizes. And don’t get me started on the difference between one size and […]

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Building a Better Breakfast Have you ever taken a good look at the word “breakfast”? It’s made of up two words that tell you exactly what breakfast is: “break”-ing the “fast”. The “fast” is the period of time you’ve slept, hopefully for several hours in a row. You’re not eating during this time, unlike during […]

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I will wake up the day after Thanksgiving feeling grateful for the time spent with my family, and not feeling like I need to buy bigger pants. I will enjoy the food I do eat, and not feel deprived. The secret to my success? I know exactly what I’m eating that day. Thanksgiving is a […]

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As autumn begins I’m offering a repost to remind us of super sources of nutrition. There are foods and then there are Super Hero Foods. As you might have guessed, we want as many of the Super Heroes in our diet as possible. Nuts about nuts Do you avoid eating nuts because they’re so high […]

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